All posts by boristurk

Eco gardens at Hervol family (Brežice, Slovenia, EU)



Two articles

  1. Intervju: Milan Hervol – presnojedec in učitelj (Interview_ Milan Hervol – raw food eater and teacher)
  2. Ni neozdravljivih bolezni, so samo nepopravljivi ljudje (There are no incurable diseases, there are just unrepairable (hopelass) people)
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Translating generic strings on page using Poedit (.po and .mo files)

What am I talking about? What are .mo and .po files?

I’l explain that based on a problem that needs a solution. Lets say we have a website written in english. On it we use some generic strings (e.g. “Last posts”, “Comments”, “Login”, “Archive for cathegory”, etc.) that we want to translate into specific language(s) on demand (e.g. click on specific button on the page). In case our website visitor speaks English, we want all this generic strings to be displayed in English. In case he speaks Slovenian, we’d like to have a a trigger (such as flag icon or button) on the page that can trigger translation commands so that all generic strings are shown in Slovenian language.

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CSS div block rounded corners

Designing css borders can be a real nuisance. Each web browser requires its own settings. Suppose you want to plot a simple div block with class -block and an edge radius of 4px. In order to solve the task a fancy CSS developed solutions can be used:

border: 1 px solid black /* Black corner surronding a div block */
-moz-border-radius: 4px; /* Firefox */
-webkit-border-radius: 4px; /* Safari in Google Chrome */
border-radius: 4px; /* Opera 10.5+, future browsers, Internet Explorer 6+ that uses IE-CSS3 */

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